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The history of the Countess of Dellwyn. In two volumes. By the author of David Simple. ...335 300dpi TIFF page images18thConnectIDHMC, 4227 TAMU, College Station, TX 77843-42272010T0669410020700401These documents are available only to 18thConnect under the terms and conditions specified in the contract with Gale Cengage Learning dated June 22-23, 2010. For more information, contact Laura Mandell at [email protected] history of the Countess of Dellwyn. In two volumes. By the author of David Simple. ...Fielding, Sarah335 p.Londonprinted for A. Millar175918thConnect (http://www.18thConnect.org) is a scholarly community and online finding aid designed to make searchable all primary texts and peer-reviewed resources in the field of eighteenth-century studies. It is supported by the University of Virginia, NINES.org, the Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture (IDHMC) at Texas A&M University (http://idhmc.tamu.edu), and by the Advanced Research Constortium (ARC) (http://ar-c.org). These documents have been generated from 18thConnect's TypeWright tool and are based on the OCR output created by Gale/Cengage Learning for the Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO) proprietary database product. The XSLT that converts the documents from Gale's OCR output XML format to TEI-A was written by Matthew Christy at the IDHMC, Texas A&M University. The code is open source.Changed byBrian Pytlik ZilligTEI-A Encoding, first pass, all ECCO documentsChanged byMatthew J. ChristyRevise XSLT to transform XMLs of corrected Gale OCR documentsChanged byMatthew J. ChristyRevise XSLT to change TEI tags used and update